Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The conversation goes like this:

"What do you do the rest of the week?"

"Well, I write, I visit people, I read, I run the youth groups, I answer a lot of email, and...I go to a lot of meetings."

"Meetings for what?"

A good question, that, especially since I seem to spend a whole lot of hours in meetings. This week's meetings so far have included: the programming board for the camp where I volunteer, the quarterly gathering of our area group of churches, the board of directors of a local youth emergency shelter, and a task force for an HIV/AIDS community center. Later today I have a weekly meeting with my senior minister; following that we will be joined by the chief of police to discuss some community issues and a program that we're considering working with. Tomorrow I'll meet with the group of people I supervise (I'm sure I'll come back to them some other time), then with the new national staff person for the organization that works toward LGBT inclusion in my denomination, then with our ministerial team.

That's more or less a fair sampling of the meetings I usually attend. In my brain they are categorized as staff stuff, church stuff, community stuff, regional denominational stuff, and national denominational stuff. I don't usually mind meetings, at least not if they are run well and actually accomplish something. But here's the thing...they are often run poorly and accomplish nothing. As a result, I am suffering from Generalized Meeting Annoyance Syndrome. I think there must be a better way to get things done than to spend five hours yapping about it.

Anyway, speaking of meetings, I need to go to one, and before I do, I desperately need coffee. All these meetings are making me very sleepy.

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